

fallout ceased,

crews to YAG-39,

the Molala and

the Tawakoni returge a the

if radiological conditions warranted.

If “AG-34


reboarded, she returned under her own power; otherwise, both shid
towed back to the Enewetak Lagoon off Parry Island, where the gh
derwent a radiological survey and,

if necessary, decontamination,

ship was positioned in the fallout area during BRAVO because of
culation in predicting the fallout location and thus did not req
decontamination; nor did shot UNION contaminate either chip.


fo be decontaminated following shot ROMEO, and both ships were dekortaminated after shot YANKEE.

Shot activities are summarized

in Table]77.

Thirty men on board YAG-39 and thirty-three men on board YAG-q0 accumulated exposures in excess of 3.3 R.
“4.39 R.

The nighest exposure assessda@d was

This was made up of 4.39 R from film badge readings for [che

tests prior to YANKEE plus an ecttimate of 20.0 R for YANKEE according to
medical records.

Individuais ¢rom other units of TG 7.3 assisted En de-

contaminating these two ships, possibiy encountering radiological Pxposure.


the tests,

the ships remained at Enewetak until 26 M


additional decontamination before sailing ,to San Francisco via Peafl Harbor.

By 25 Mav the average tcpside reading for YAG-23 was 0.007 Ryfnr,

with average interior and below-deck readings of 0.002 R/hr.

Thes# levels

were expected to be down to 0.004 R/hr and 0.001 R/hr, respectively , act
the time of

arrival at Pearl Harbor,

and 0.003 R/hr and 0.0005 R/h


Crewmembers were expected to receive 0.5 to 1 R on theftripd to

San Francisco. Readings for YAG-40 were higher:


0.040 R/hr topsidd@


0.008 R/hr inside on 25 May, with 0.025 R/hr and 9.004 R/hr expect


Pearl Harbor, and 0.014 R/hr and 0.002 R/hr at San Francisco.
tional exposure for the crew was expected to be 3 to 5 R.




Subsequa@ht in-

that YAG-40 was in transit to San Francisco disclosed that their men ex-~
posure was 1.676 R, with an exposure range of 90.705 R to 4.56 R, soflewhat
less than the initially expected exposure.
not reflected in the Consolidated List.


These additional exposufes are

For two of the YAG crew,


Select target paragraph3