Table 63.

USS Renshaw (DDE-499) operational activities during the CASTLE test series.


Ship Location/Activities
28 February at 1100, underway from
berth N-5, Enewetak, to air con-

tral station, 10°41'N, 164°06'E;

At Shot Time
Steamed to contro]

1 March proceeded to new control

Arrived at control station at 0832; at 2054 control
duties completed, proceeding to Enewetak; on 2 March

at 0945 received small boat along starboard to dis-

embark a passenger; 3 March remained at sea on pa-

station, 11942'N, 164°06'E at 0531

trol off Enewetak; 4 March underway in the early
morning to Utirik Atol}; arrived off Utirik about
0800; executive officer and landing party went
ashore in gig at 0810 and returned at 1055 with
first evacuees; motor whaleboat also emptoyed in
evacuation; evacuated and decontaminated 154 natives of Utirik Atoll between 1055-1256; at 1314
underway for Kwajalein Atoll


26 March at 160] underway from

Bikini for DOE air control station

at 11910'N, 163°50'E; 27 March

Steamed on control

steaming on station at 0032; proceeding to new control station

At 1344 released from control station, proceeded to
patrol area south of Enidrik Istand; at 1845 on pa-

trol station


10°42'N, 164907'E at 0500


Anchored at berth K-2, Enewetak


Moored at berth N-3, Enewetak with


Leo (T-AKA-60) and other small
craft of the Pacific fleet

4 May steaming on a random patrol]
north of Bikini; at 1914 ceased

patrolling; rendezvoused with
Bairoko (CVE-115) at 2117


Anchored at berth

Remained anchored

Mbdored at berth N-3,

Remained anchored

Steamed on patrol

At 1030 proceeded to lifeguard station astern

with Bairoko in
assigned sector

station with Bairoko; at 1318 proceeded to lifeguard station with Estes (AGC-12); at 1442 returned

K-2, Enewetak

Enewet ak

southeast of Bikini

Curtiss (AV-4); at 1055 returned to plane guard

to station 100 yards (90 meters) astern Bairoko; at
1602 proceeded to remain 5,000 yards (4.6 km) off

Eneu Channel, Bikini; at 1857 proceeded to assigned
sector southeast of Bikini


13 May left anchorage K-2, Enewe-

tak, for area southeast of Enewetak at 1900; arrived on station
at 7145 in assignedsector

USS Renshaw (DDE-499} Deck Log.

Steamed on assigned

Entered Enewetak Lagoon at 0633; anchored at berth

B-2, Enewetak at 0820; moved to berth C-2, Enewetak,
at 0840; moved to berth B-2, Enewetak, at 1727;
underway for Pearl Harbor at 2157

Select target paragraph3