Table 53.

Summary of the status of transient shipping in tHe Pacific
Proving Ground area on or about 14 May 1954.



USS Namakagon (A0G-53)
USS Epping Forest (LSD-4)
USS Apache (ATF-67)

ETD Enewetak 1200 on 13 May for Ky ajalein
9940'N, 172°10'E, 13 knots (24 km, hr), ETA

Kwajalein 1200 on 14 May

Departed Bikini 2200 on 13 May wii h YC-1081 in

tow via route points 10955'N, 166410'N, 175°E;

thence great circle to Pearl Harbdr, ETA 0800
on 25 May
USNS Merrell (T-AKV-4)

ETA Guam 15 May.

Reference 16.

The forecast surface and air radex areas were issued as follows:

wise to
to H+6,
10 nmi

True bearing from ground zero 2509 clog®k80%, radial distance 60 nmi (111 nmi) for H-hogr
plus a circular radex area around ground zero $f
(18.5 km) radius.

For H+1l, 10,000 feet (3.05 km) to 40,000 fet
(12.19 km), 275° clockwise to 30° for a maximum distan e
of 15 nmi (27.8 km) from ground zero, 30° clockwise to
100° for a maximum distance of 35 nmi (64.9 km), and l g°
Air Radex.

clockwise to 275° for a maximum distance of 5 nmi

(9.3 km).

For H+l1, 40,000 feet (12.19 km) and up, 240° clock ise
to 330° for a maximum distance of 25 nmi (46.3 km) fro

ground zero, 330° clockwise to 40° for a maximum dista
of 15 nmi (27.8 km), 40° clockwise to 110° for a maxim
distance of 60 nmi (111 km), and 110° clockwise to 240
for a maximum distance of 15 nmi
For H+6, 10,000 feet


(27.8 km).

(3.05 km)

to 40,000 feet


km), 275° clockwise to 30° for a maximum distance of 7
nmi (129.6 km) from ground zero, and 30° clockwise to 00°
for a maximum distance of 180 nmi

(333.4 km).

For H+6, 40,000 feet (12.19 km) and up, 260° clock
to 300° for a maximum distance of 70 nmi (129.6 km) fr
ground zero, and 40° clockwise to 100° for a maximum d
tance of 300 nmi

A destroyer


(555.6 km).

(the Epperson) was stationed near Ujelang Atol

ate the population there if necessary.

The cloud-tracking air raft were

deployed to detect any movement of contamination toward Ujelan


to evacu~

Select target paragraph3