
(457 meters)

(Reference 16, Tab 0}.

Figure 89 shows the dimensfions

of the cloud based on the aerial tracking observations.
At 0900 the Bairoko, 10 nmi
vey helicopters.

(19 km)

off Eneu, launched radsafe s

This survey covered the islands of the atoll and w

conclusive enough to limit data~recovery operations to Eneu and Aero
the first day.

This survey indicated that recontamination was exten#i

throughout the atoll and Lagoon both to the east and west.

The radi

intensities on islands of the atoll are shown in Table 50.

No signigi

secondary fallout was encountered at Bikini as a result of this deto
Lagoon water was heavily contaminated with radioactive sediment.
ings of 1 R/hr were obtained at a 100-foot (30.5-meter)
cinity of ground zero on D+l.

3 R/hr on shot day.

altitude in

Floating objects revealed readings of


Small boats and barges in Bikini-Eneu anchorage


contaminated to a moderate degree (1 to 6 R/hr).

The initial radsafej

ports indicated that the lagoon was too contaminated for reentry by


Following a conference, the decision was made for the Estes

turn to Enewetak while other ships remained at sea in the Bikini area



short sortie from 1600 to 2040 into the lagoon was made by the Estes,)Cur-

tiss, and Belle Grove in order to use the Belle Grove's boats to exchfnge

Reentry to the lagoon was made at 0815 on 6 May.

The Cuftiss

departed that evening for Enewetak, landing CTG 7.3 at Parry Island t
following morning

(Reference 14, pp. 174-175).

Lagoon water movement

ward the Southwest Passage substantially increased radiation levels i
Enidrik-Bokdrolul area.
The YANKEE fallout pattern is shown in Figure 90.
Two LSTs, 762 and 975, en route in company from Enewetak to Hawai
encountered the fallout cloud about 700 nmi (1,300 km) east-northeast
ground zero at H+35 to H+41.

LST-762 was equipped with standard task


washdown equipment, but LST-975 had only standard firefighting equipment.

At 12°56'N, 176°51'E at 1300 on 6 May, radiation intensities of 0.015


Select target paragraph3