aircraft was at a 32,000-foot (9.8-km) altitude and a slant range of 91,000
feet (27.8 km).

A Second B-50 IBDA aircraft was at a 30,000-foot

altitude and a slant range of 182,000 feet

(55.5 km).


The third JBDA B-50

A maximum radioactivity reading of 0.020 R/hr was record ed for

10 to 15 seconds onboard the B-36 effects aircraft;

this was the 4d nly ra-

diation noted by the effects aircraft during the CASTLE series.
The Test
The early cloud dimensions following the 0610 detonation are
Figure 88.

own in

The lowest level of the stem (surface to 15,000 feet

was influenced by 17.3-mi/hr

(27.8-km/hr) winds from the east.

.6 km])

Tris move-

ment was confirmed by a cloud-tracking aircraft reporting a maxim


sity of 0.063 R/hr at H+4, 60 nmi (111 km) west-southwest of groun Jd


at 10,000 feet (3.05 km).


Based on the position of cloud tracker contact

and the

forecast air trajectories, this contamination is believed to have passed

The peak activity reported at En


Remnants of this portion ,of the cloud probably a


to the south of Enewetak Atoll.
was 0.002 R/hr.

for the 0.005 R/hr radiation level reported 460 nmi

(852 km)

ground zero during a weather reconnaissance mission on D+tl.


level of the cloud (16,000 to 60,000 feet [5 to 18 km]) moved to
northeast at 17.3 mi/hr (27.8 km/hr).
made with fallout from this segment.

Several contacts were subs
Between H+5 and H+7, the tr

est of

e eastuently


edge of the cloud was clearly defined by one of the cloud-tracking air~
craft; maximum intensities of 2 R/hr were reported 300 nmi (556 k
northeast of Bikini.


The cloud top moved initially to the north a d west.

In the fallout process, however, this debris was carried back towa d the
east and intercepted several times.

The first was at H+l5, when a tracker

aircraft was able to completely delineate a fallout area that was


340 nmi (630 km) to the east-northeast of ground zero (92 nmi [170 km ]
north of Bikar Atoll);


the maximum reading inside this area was a

At the same time, another cloud-tracking aircraft located r

activity of 6 R/hr in this same general area, but at an altitude of

ut 0.5


Select target paragraph3