
The Wilson 3 aircraft, flying at 5,000 feet

(1.5 km), contactéd the

cloud while in the racetrack holding pattern at H+5.25.

The intedsity was

2.015 R/hr in a later sector search at an altitude of 8,900 feet

92.7 km);

intensities of 0.050 R/hr were encountered at H+7 about 100 nmi (385 km)


aortheast of Bikini.




No aircraft flying between Bikini and Enewetak encountered airborne

Subsequent Wilson flights were cancelled.

Based on a helicopter preliminary damage and radsafe survey at] approximately H+2, all units of the task force were issued an advisory drective
as follows

(Reference 16, Tab M):
Lele through Aerokoj and Eneu not appreciably
Reentry hour expected to be 1100 on 7 April
CTG 7.3 have task force vessels stand off the lagoon
entrance at 1000 pending the outcome of the lagoon
water survey of the Eneman and Eneu anchorages


Upon confirmation of reentry hour, all units reenter

Eneu anchorages in accordance with previous


The results of the preliminary survey indicated that Bokbata,


Enidrik, and Bikini islands and the Iroij-Aomen chain were contaminated.
Lagoon contamination was restricted to a V-shaped pattern with the
Eneman and tips covering the Bokbata-Aomen area.
was obtained over the Eneman anchorage at H+4.

Bpex at

A reading of 0.10D
Eneu anchorage was


of contamination, whereas Bikini anchorage showed traces of contamihation
at H+4.

Reentry and recovery occurred largely on shot day.



Shows the radiation levels on various islands of the atoll.

A gamma~rate record was obtained at [Iroij.

The fallout arrivedjfat

about H+20 minutes, and a maximum exposure rate of 23 R/hr was obsegved at
H+40 minutes.

The integrated exposure was 51 R until H+15



(Referende 40,

Select target paragraph3