
Clinate of opinion considerations formulated by OCB should guide

all goverment actions in the sphore of nuclear energy «nd related projects
which are capable of significant overseus impact.

However, since there

are nany factors which nay nilitate agcinst a progrenm which seems desirable
from a clinate-of-opinion standpoint, the NSC nust reconcile conflicting

Review of the NSC projrais assigned to OCB, iSC progra.s assizned

to the AEC, the Office of Defense iiobilization, and the various obligations

dnposed upon departments and arsencies by the utonie Energy Act, 1946, (AEC)
and Public Law 920 (FCDA) indicates that potential gaps in coordinated
operational control exist in the ares cf nuclear energy projects and related
infortiation prograis,

The Nabioneld Scecurity Council should, in the interest

of the U.S, security position world-wide, teke action to insure that such
gaps do not operate to the detriment of national policy.


It is reccruiended that the Operations Coordinating Board:

inform the NSC with respect to OCB responsibilities for the

coordination of nuclear enorgy projects and related infornation procrans,
_ that:
"The OCB intcrest and concern is priuarily to assure
naxinu foreign support of the U.S. international position
with respect to national policies, programs and objectives.

Select target paragraph3