Comprehensive health care would encompass primary, secondary, and tertiary care, as defined in point 5 above. Such comprehensive care would include the necessary infrastructure, including communication and transportation capability. The health care program would give special emphasis to the detection and treatment of any injury, illness, or condition that may be the result, directly or indirectly, of the nuclear weapons testing program. ™-2 contractor should undertake to insure that, to the extent possible, wne services and activities to be provided under the proposed plan be integrated to achieve maximum efficiency. In particular, the health care functions of the Government of the Marshall Islands should be ~-erdinated with the health care program established pursuant to the etute. (b} Although the Interior Department's preliminary view is tnat a plan for comprehensive health care for all of the Marshalls -.-céss the boundaries of the statute, it proposes to ask the contractor 1 st to develop an integrated, comprehensive health care program for all 2tolls and islands of the Marshalls. As the statute provides, the vont of care to be provided would be appropriate to the “situation, cundition, and needs of the individual atoll peoples". (c) Although the Interior Department's preliminary view is that a program for health care that is more extensive than that outlined un (a) above, and less extensive than that outlined in (b), exceeds the boundaries of the statute, it proposes to ask the contractor to develop a health care program for the Marshalls along the following lines: ™-- Interior Department would initiate promptly implementation of a -mprehensive health care plan, including health evaluation, of all of vic peoples of Rongelap, Utirik, Bikini, and Enewetak, and would provide them primary, secondary, and tertiary care. Access to secondary and ; veitiary medical care would be afforded by appropriate communication and “ransportation capabilities (that is, voice and visual communication ““*h the medical center at Majuro, and emergency evacuation capabilities), u3 part of the comprehensive health care program. Ceneurrently, the Secretary would begin to establish a basic primary health care capability on other inhabited atolls. This basic primary wealth care would generally consist of a trained aide, a dispensary, and <ommunication and transportation capabilities. Subsequent to the health care evaluation of the four named atolls, the Secretary would carry out a health evaluation of the peoples of other inhabited atolls in the “Marshall Islands. The extent to which additional health care services may be included would be determined by the information obtained from the health evaluation of the peoples of these atolls. The Secretary would carry out the health evaluation at other atolls in a sequential manner, to be determined following consultation with representatives of the people of the atolls and the government of the Marshall Islands.