
Although the Interior Department's preliminary view is
that a program for health care that is less extensive than that outlined
in (a) above may not meet the requirements of the statute, it proposes
to ask the contractor to develop a plan to provide health care for the
people of Bikini, Enewetak, Rongelap, Utirik, Likiep, Mejit, Ailuk,
Wotho, Wotje, Ujae, and Lae atolls, with respect to any injury, illness,
or condition that may be the result, directly or indirectly, of the
nuclear weapons testing program.
To the extent relevant to each of the foregoing plans,
the Contractor should provide information with respect to the following:
Rongelap and Utirik peoples.
What will be required
by way of staff, facilities, transportation, communications, equipment,
etc., to provide for the continuance of special medical screening and
care of the expcsed persons and expansion of this special program to
provide comprehensive health care for all inhabitants of Rongelap and
To the extent appropriate, alternative methods of providing
this specialized care, plus comprehensive health care, should be presented,
along with estimated annual costs.
The plan must provide for On-Atoll
and Off-Atoll residents.




What will be required by way of staff,




to provide

for radiological screening of the people of Enewetak in their new
communities on Enewetak Atoll and to provide also a comprehensive health
care program for them.
To the extent appropriate, alternative methods
of providing this specialized radiological screening and comprehensive
health care should be presented, along with estimated annual costs.



What will be required by way of staff,

facilities, transportation, communications, equipment, etc., to provide
for radiological screening of the people of Bikini if they return to
part of the Bikini Atoll? What will be required to provide a comprehensive
health care program for the Bikinians in the various locations in which
they may reside in the foreseeable future.
To the extent appropriate,
alternative methods of providing this specialized radiological screening
and comprehensive health care should be presented, along with estimated
annual costs.
Responsibilities of and services available from the
Government of the Marshall Islands.
The constitution of the Marshall Islands
"recognizes the right of the people to health care, education, and legal
services and the obligation to take every step reasonable and necessary
to provide these services".
(Section 15, Art. 1. Constitution of the
Marshall Islands.)
The Government of the Marshall Islands has a Ministry
of Health and an on-going program of health care.

Select target paragraph3