adiation ag
such as

the ¥

are enributing

during their employment.

aberrations cannot continue to increase with the

hensive interpretation of these data will be the

accumulated dose because of the finite life span of

subject of a future report.


For long periods


‘eived by




itudies have™

A more compre-



This work was done with the support of the

Cytology of Exfoliated Bronchial Cells


Sputum cytology has been used by Saccomanno


as a possible indicator for detecting incipient or

to Thoro-

actual lung cancer in uranium miners exposed to


as medical ‘and laboratory findings.

chronic expo-

sure, one would expect a constant equilibrium level

ls have

during World War II and gives factual data on esti-

mated body and lung burdens of plutonium, as well



However, one must use

caution when interpreting quantitatively results
obtained from chromosome analysis, as the number of

radon daughters and other stressing agents in ura-

Pb (about

nium mines.


experimentally in animals exposed to plutonium

Because lung cancer has been cbserved

S. Atomic Energy Commission, Division of Bio-

medical and Environmental Research, under Contract
AT-(30-1) 4284 to the School of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Rochester, and under Contract
W-7405-ENG-36 to the University of Califomia, Los
Alamos Scientific Laboratory.
This report covers information and work that

er prod-

aerosols, we have added the cytological examination

has been carried out over a period of many years

and con-

of bronchial cells to our periodic studies of the

and has involved many persons who have contributed


UPPU Club members.

ftes of

In a few subjects, moderate to

severe dysplastic changes have been observed.



significance of these changes is not clear except

sed prior

and rame aber-

to the success of the project.

The special con-

tributors have all played a prominent part in data

collection or analysis in their particular special-

in one man who was a heavy cigarette smoker


(3 packages per day).

by E. Campbell, M. Milligan, and W. Moss at the

We are now in the process of

The analytical urinalysis procedures were done

developing standardized procedures for collecting

Occupational Health Laboratory, LASL.

and preparing sputum samples.

calculated the current body burden values by means

This presents a

J. Lawrence


Sizable problem, since our subjects live in differ-

of the PUQFUA program.

S, one

ent parts of the country often without easy access

were made by P. Lee, M.D., Los Alamos Medical

in lympho-

to large medical centers.

Center, and W. Christiansen, M.D., Department of



Since exposure to tobacco smoke and other toxic

Roentgenographic studies

Radiology, University of Utah.

In vivo measure-


materials is known to alter the normal cytology of

Ments of plutonium within the lung were performed


bronchial cells, it is difficult to interpret the

by P. Dean at the Health Research Laboratory, LASL.
Pulmonary cytology studies were made by G. Sacco-

have been

observed effects.

dings in

have asked all of our subjects to give up smoking.

manno, M.D., Pathologist, St. Mary's Hospital,

2 pluto-

There is also a need to develop a standardized

Grand Junction, Colorado, and Michael Stewart, M.D.,

aver a 7-

nomenclature to be used in reading and reporting

Pathologist, Los Alamos Medical Center, Los Alamos,


sputum specimens.

New Mexico.

Primarily for this reason, we

At periodic intervals, we will

D. Petersen, Health Research Labor-

ric yield

send bottles containing fixative for collecting

atory, LASL, assisted in procuring the samples for

1ld be

Sputum samples to each subject, who will then return

pulmonary cytology.

e re-

the samples to us for analysis.

performed by D. Petersen at the Health Research


more than a moderate cellular atypia, he will be

Laboratory, LASL.

asked to submit samples more frequently.

Medical Group, LASL, directed the physical examina-


he perut


If anyone shows

We will
also obtain sputum samples for cytological examination from local nonexpesed personnel of the
age and smoking habits for purposes of

osed to

H. Whipple, M.D., Industrial

tion portion of the study, including clinical laboratory measurements.

J. Healy, LASL Health Divi-

Sion, gave constructive criticisms in his review
of the manuscript.

to the

The chromosome studies were



This report attempts to reconstruct the
expoSure conditions of Los Alamos pluto
nium workers

Many other persons too numerous to mention
have contributed importantly to the work.

A spe-

cial acknowledgment is extended to J. Langham for
photographic and autoradiographic work; H. Ide for


Select target paragraph3