then fabricated into the shapes needed in the early

were supposed to have been carried out in dry

atomic bombs.

the welded steel bomb was difficult to saw op

Before plutonium became available in quanti-

such a confined space.

On at least two occas

ties, preliminary experiments were carried out using

certain procedures were carried out in the op:

uranium and other metallic "stand-ins."


The opera-

On one of these occasions, the mn

tors soon learned that reduction of plutonium and

count of one operator was 11,900 counts per m

other metallic halides with alkali or alkaline earth

and the laboratory in which the work was carr:

metals was relatively easy but that, when operating

on was heavily contaminated.

on a small scale, the reduced metal tended to remain

his assistant both have measurable body burder

mixed with the cindery slag rather than to form well


consolidated "buttons."

(Since the melting point of

This metallurgi:

In September 1944, thi

method was discontinued in favor of the "stati

plutonium was unknown at this time, the reaction


vessels were considerably overheated, causing reac-

where it was easier, quicker, and gave better

tions with the refractories.)

sults than the centrifugal method.


While experiments

carried out to enable plutonium buttons


method, which had been developed to the

The principle employed in the stationary

to be

produced on a larger scale in stationary bombs, the

method was to pack a mixture af PuF, and metal

separation of plutonium from the slag was first

calcium in refractory liners made of electrica

successfully achieved by the use of centrifugal

fused MgO contained in argon-filled steel bomb

force to throw the molten metal into the tip of a

On heating the bomb a strongly exothermic/ther

cone-shaped container.

This was called the "cen-

reduction reaction occurred, and the plutonium

trifugal bomb" method.

PuCl, or PuF,, mixed with

separated clearly from the fluid CaF,

lithium in a refractory cone-shaped beryllium oxide




tion of iodine to the charge helped ignition a

liner, was placed in an atmosphere of argon in a

improved collection efficiency.

steel bomb about 1 in. in diameter and 1-1/2 in. in

standard method of reducing plutonium during t:



This was welded shut and placed in an ali-

This became t!

All loading and unloading operations wer

graphite centrifuge, heated electrically to 1100°C

ried out in dryboxes.

while being rotated.

on, disassembly of the bomb was easier than in

soon obtained.

Good cohesive buttons were

The first 500~-mg metallic button of

Because the lid was bol:

case of the welded bomb.

Moreover, the well fi

almost pure plutonium? was made by this method on

reaction products were less dusty than those ir

May 26, 1944 (Fig. 7).

earlier small-scale experiments.

Although loading and unloading of the bombs


metallurgist who developed this method does hav
measurable bedy burden of plutonium.


By March 1945, thé plutonium urinary assay
method had been developed to the point where i:
could be applied to the plutonium workers.


assay system had to be extremely Sensitive, as «
The contamination occurred during p
aration of the metallic button mentioned above.
Unbeknown to their supervisors, these workers bi

the reduction at midnight.

Fig. 7.

A 500-mg metallic button of almost pure


The next morning thi

plutonium button in an appropriate container wa:
allegedly found on the desk of Dr. Cyril Smith,
Associate Leader of CMR Division, and extensive
contamination had occurred throughout the labor:
and adjacent hallways. The workers were nowher¢
around but were finally located in the bar of tl
La Fonda Hotel in Santa Fe, where they were cele
brating their success in reducing plutonium by :
technique they had developed.

Select target paragraph3