
16 January 197


Thzt's right.


Anc. it would have to refuel, ao your . PL would be your method by which
yov. would eliminate this trenendous ship to shore movenent »

GIBBINS: The way we see this operation, Al, there wouldn't be any tremendous ship to
share movaaent except those people cirectly connected with the barge and
directly connected with whatever might be housed in this firing stations


You would have to get the APL out of there before the first shot.

GIBSINS: That's right.

When-you bring up the shot barge on an LSD you would have to leave it
there to mother the APL,


GIS3INS: Maybe J should have let this APL thing go.

If we are not going to go te

major stetions ashore, I see no reason why the APL has to came back in
after the first shot is fired.

You take it out before the first shot, and

it stays out.

Theat if just like loosing your camp on George,

GIBBINS: That's right.

And I an still makin- the statenent that we preserve this

five day firing capability,

Most of the personnel would live on the ship.

SANDERS: Dicn't we have a floating caap in this deal somewhere?
GIBBoS: That is the APL and I an not convinced we need it, if we are not going to
build major stations 2:..:0r6,


It is not clear to m that we would ased it, even if we did build majar
stctions ashore,



That's hard to do, Joe.

SANDERS: Well, it could be,



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