


— e

16 Jenuary 1957

You bave got to start from your varehouse, your maintenance of heavy equipment,


there are a few things besides tents and mess halls, and a PX and things like
that which are kind of hard to put on en APL.
Well, we would Still heave tents and thet sort of thing, but mybe ve could cut
down on the size of them.
You mesn the tents.

GIBBINS: Yes, I agree with you, Bob, we are not going to cut down on the size of the
work ashore unless we ¢cut down on the number of stations that go ashore.

Do you heave any feelings on the time scale on this investigation of diagnostics



by ship?

Woodward, Wouters, Réelier and Norm Hansen are looking at it, now.
talked to Grier.

An@ Rex is working uv this weather.

the results at the marning swivey.

I have not

We had hoped to have

Then-we want to put the whole thing in a

We hope to get this cone by the first of February.

When does Rex expect to have tre weather done, Gibby?
He i8 supposed to have it in by the 15th of January.
Is everything you need aveilable?

What do you mean by that cuestion?
T mean the information we need. that Rex needs.

Is he compiling it or is he

trying to?
GIBBINS: Well, be has got all the Gata that exists.
That's what I'm asking.

Does enough ezist?

GIBBINS: They had worked this thing up tefore REDWING when they were considering Taongl
es & weather atation before, brit tha simdy got misplaced.

He is repeating

this business in a different light, as a tiring site, giving the average mean

hodogreph from what date they lave available.
~ 10 «

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