The effective dose is listed in both Sieverts

(Sv) or (milliSieverts (mSv)) and in rem (or
mrem) in this report. This is done intentionally
because we have used the rem as the unit of dose
in our earlier publications concerning the
Marshall Isiands (Robison et al., 1980, 1982;
USAEC, 1973). In addition, the Marshallese
Communities, the Republic of the Marshails
Government, and U.S. agencies and committees
are familiar with these publications, doses, and
units. Thus, the previous dose estimates (and
units) serve as a reference point for updated dose
estimates presented here. The effective dose in
rem or mrem can be converted to Sv or mSv by
dividing by 100, and pCi can be converted to

Becquereis (Bq) by dividing by 27.

The purpose of this paper is to present our
estimates of the potential radiological doses
people might receive if they were to resettle

Rongelap Island at Rongelap Atoll and to
documentthe scientific and technical basis for
the estimates. To place the magnitude of the
estimated doses in perspective, we have
compared them to current guidelines adopted by
several Federal agencies. We acknowledge, and
even emphasize, that there is a legitimate
question as to which, if any, of the current
guidelines are applicable at Rongelap,
Enewetak, and Bikini Atolls in the Marshall






contaminated and people wish to return and live.
at “home.” Nevertheless, such guidance does
provide a reference point for radiation doses
that lead to a very minimal risk, and may
provide useful insight for those who must decide
on future actions.

The National Council on Radiation
Protection and Measurements (NCRP, 1987b) and
the International Commission on Radiologicai
Protection (ICRP, 1990) have recently
recommended an average annual effective dose
rate of 1 mSv y-! (100 mrem y-!) to the general
public for continuous exposure resulting from
operating nuclear industries. The Departmentof
Energy (DOE) has recently adopted this
guidance for its operating nuclear facilities.
Consequently, we will use 1mSvy-!
(100 mrem y-!) for our comparison with doses
estimated for RongelapIsland.

The estimated maximum]
annual and
integral effective dose for pedple resettling
Rongelap Island are calculated ising our diet
model, the average radionuclide Koncentrations
in foods, the average biologicaljremoval rates
and depositions for the radionuclides in organs or
the whole body, and the averagd external dose

rates. The maximum annual effettive dose rate
is defined as the dose rate in tha year after the

Rongelap people return (we havd used 1995 as
the start date), when the sum oj the internal
dose and the external ga
dose is at

maximum. In other words, using the average
value of all parameters in the ddse model and
our diet model, the annual effective dose for any
other year would be less than fhe maximum

annual effective dose we present] The 30-, 50-,
and 70-y integral effective doses fre calculated
with year 1 being 1995.
Doses are presented for two

c&ses: imported

foods available (IA) and imported foods
unavailable (IUA). The doses listed under the
case “IUA” are calculated assuming no imported

foods are available, and that only local foods
are consumed over the entire lifetime of the
people’s residence on Rongelap Island. As noted
in the Data Base Section of}
Diet, our
observations lead us to conclude fhatthe latter
case is unrealistic over any extenfled period of

time and highly conservative.
Nbvertheless, it
is presented here so that the reader may apply
different assumptions or use the regults of future
observations to develop an app@rtioned dose
estimate. In our model for LA, we

have assumed

that 60% of the diet will be made ub of imported
foods, and even this may be low. Imhported foods
seem now to be established in thd diet and the
The maximum annual organ equivalent dose
and the effective dose when impogted foods are
available and unavailable are ligted in Table
10. The maximum annual organ equivalent dose
rates for LA range from 0.23 to 0.31 Gy y-1 (23 to 31
mrem y-!) from all exposure pathways. About
0.11 mSv (11 mrem) of this dose is From external
gamma exposure, while most of the remainder is
from ingestion pathways.
P maximum
effective dose rate is 0.26 mSv y-! (45 mrem y—!).

The 30-, 50-, and 70-y integral #ffective dose
for residents of Rongelap Island] for IA, are


Select target paragraph3