A Av “” ¥Battelle December 2, 1982 Wr Pacific Northwest Laboratories P.O. Box 999 Richland, Washington U.S.A. 99352 Telephone (509) Mr. dames W. Colbert, Esq. O'Melveny and Myers 400 South Hope Street Los Angeles, CA 90071-2899 Telex 15-2874 Dear Mr. Colbert: Enclosed is a brief narrative description of PNL's participation in activities related to the Marshall Islands. Also, enclosed are copies of documents that illustrate the nature of our participation. We presume that the current litigation stemmed from our participation in producing the Enewetak and Bikini books. However, we are including in the attached, selected representative documentation of all activities. One activity that was not mentioned to you before was a radiation educational plan for the Marshall Islands which we prepared for the Department of Energy to submit to the Department of Interior to satisfy provisions of the so-called "Burton Bill." Although several of us visited the Marshal] Islands and met with a number of their government officials, the plan as submitted to the Department of Interior is not attributed to Battelle. Also the education plan has not been implemented. Another activity that was not mentioned to you before is that of Dr. Richard Gilbert. I hadn't realized until recently that he was contacted by DOE as early as 1976 with regard to the Enewetak cleanup. He just returned this fall from a year in Japan and thus was not available last spring when we compiled the chronology of our activities in the Pacific. In addition to the copies of documentation in the enclosed package, we have in our files much related material which includes input from members of the advisory group from other laboratories, draft reports, and numerous information letters and documents received from DOE for use by the advisory group and for use in preparing the Enewetak and Bikini books. available if you need it. Please call if you have questions. Sincerely yours, Noli W. J. Bair, Ph.D. Manager Environment, Health and Safety Research Program WJB: 1m Enclosures cc: C€. D. Fransen R. P. Marshall i All of this