December 2, 1982

The following summarizes Battelle, Pacific Northwest Laboratories,
activities in the Marshall Islands. Attached are copies of relevant
documentation arranged by year beginning with 1976.
In 1976 Dr. Richard Gilbert was contacted by DOE with regard to the
proposed cleanup of Enewetak Atoll]. These contacts are documented in the
On August 11, 1977 Dr. Bair was asked by Dr. James L. Liverman,
Assistant Administrator for Environment and Safety of Energy Research and
Development Administration to review radionuclide cleanup criteria for
Enewetak Atoll] in the Marshall Islands. Other Battelle staff who
participated in this were Dr. Roy Thompson and Mr. William Templeton of
Pacific Northwest Laboratory and Dr. Joseph Trimble of HARC. On June
27-29, 1977 Mr. Templeton participated at the request of ERDA in a workshop
at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory on cleanup plans for the Marshall Islands.
Copies of documents pertaining to this are attached.
On April 4, 1978 Dr. Bair was asked by the Department of Energy to
chair an advisory group on the Cleanup of Enewetak Atoll. This was
reaffirmed on April 27, 1979 by Ruth Clusen, Assistant Secretary for

Environment. Also participating on this advisory group were the following
Battelle staff: Drs. R. C. Thompson, R. 0. Gilbert and Mr. W. L.
Templeton. There were six other members from DOE, Oak Ridge, Lovelace and
Los Alamos. This group provided to DOE an overview of the cleanup effort
at Enewetak and recommended cleanup levels for transuranic elements. The
DOE required the Defense Nuclear Agency to cleanup Enewetak to these
recommended levels. The activities of this advisory group, called Bair
Committee, are described in a history of the cleanup of Enewetak published
by the Defense Nuclear Agency. Copies of pages from this history and
documents generated by the activities of the advisory group are attached.
The group also provided advice to DOE on program plans to assess the
radioactivity levels at other locations in the Marshall Islands. The
activity of this advisory group essentially ceased January 1981 when Mrs.
Clusen left the DOE. This work is documented in the attached.
PNL's participation in preparing the two books, Ailin in Enewetak
Rainin: The Enewetak Atoll Today and Melelen Radiation ITo Ailin in
Bikini: The Meaning of Radiation at Bikini Atoll, for DOE originated from
Dr. Bair's being chairman of the advisory group. As chairman he was asked
to go with DOE personnel to the Marshall Island to help explain
radioactivity, radiation effects, etc. He believed that such an
educational attempt would be much more effective if illustrated written
material could be left with the Marshallese. Since there were no suitable
materials on radiation printed in the Marshallese language, DOE supported
the preparation of those two books. PNL's activities in preparing these
books are documented in the attached.
A third book for the Marshallese, other than the Bikini and Enewetak
people, living in the northern part of the Marshall Islands was completed
in November 1982. This will be delivered to the Marshallese government
officials the week of December 7, 1982.

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