either directly or indirectly, that hopes can confidently be held high.

‘hile the

benefits to be so gained may, on the surface, not be so obvious, they are none the

lessresl.. Already our knowledge of the netebolion of ‘the thyroid gland and its.

abnormslitieshes beengreatly increased, and diagnosticProcedures have been improved.
Already important studies on the volume,of the. blood, “on:the behavior of red‘blood cells
anid on the patency of peripheral blood vessels are making possible more ‘accurate medical

i#ho..can foretell the benefits to be obtained from radioisctope studies in

phosphorus, ~potassium and calcium metabolism?

Or what may be learned’with relation

to the behavior of zinc insulin within the body?

Orwhat may be learned about bacteria

and viruses in the body or in regard to the immuno~chemistry of the human body?

the fehavior of hormones, drugs et cetera tagged with radioisotopes?

the co: ‘pLicated probleus cf metabolism may be solved?


Or to what extent

It is not an overstatement to

say thet progress can be expected to be rapid and cn a wide front as greater use is
mode in medical and biolcuics! research when this nex tool is applied in attempts to
solve such problems.

ELéch of the units I heve deseribed is set up to engage in some

phase cf this important work.

In exch there is e capable scientific and technical

staff, well equipped with the required training and background and provided with the
modern equipment and facilities needed to do this work, to do it wisely and with safety
tc ali concerned,
Although this ‘Program within the Veterans Administration has been in effect |
only one years.it has already been’Anstrunental. in drawing to the medical staffs of
the Veterans Adntinistrat Lon-o1Fospitals soneof ‘the very best ‘medical menin this
country. It has already played a significant role in assuring to the veteran patient,

aeny “of the medical advantages of
¢ an“atonie erie



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