Zoe siteGiviscioze piegren
It would not have been pessible to initiate cuch a program had it not been for
the good working reletionship whicr exists betvecn the associated medical schools and

the staffs of the hospitals of the Veterans Administration.

In zach instance, before

the Chief teiical Director has authorized the establishsent

of a Racicisotope Unit in

2 hospitel cf the Veterans Administration, the Deans’ Coumitice of that hospital has
appointed a hedioisotope Committee to represe..t the Decns Committee in drawing up plans
and meking specific recemnendations relative to the setting up of such a unit.


the unit is established the Redicisotcpe Committee bears the sume svvervisory reletionship to the unit that the Deans' Committee bears to the hosnitel in matters relating
tc the medical care and treatment of veteren petients.

The uctive interest and coopera-

tion of the Desens! Committees end their skilled rerresentatives has mede it possible
te develop within the hospitals where such units are established racicisotope programs

which are dn quaiity end in effectiveness, the equil of thes: pregrems conducted sithin

treatment of peutionts with radioisoctcpes, the enployasnt
of redicischopes in diagnostic
mployrent of rediolsotopes in médical risesren.


precedures acd the

As yt the radiolactopes have a linited application in the treatment of

Here conservatism and sound medical judement ere meticvlcusly observed

all of the hospitals.


This must be the cass until the exact position of these new

tools can be more exactly known.
The radicisotopes offer almost unlimited opportunity’ for the development of
rew diagnostic procedures and the improvement of older diegucstic procedures.

month finds rew and important applications in this field.


‘from these the individual

patient will gain mich benefit and meny medical problems will be more quickly and
accurately solved,
It is in the field of medical research where the tenefits which may be achieved

Select target paragraph3