

Space will be available on both Elmer and Tare to prepare
samples. Since some sample containers will weigh severe] hundred
pounds, it has been proposed to use a DUKW with monorail and chain
fall, ta handle containers. This will provide enough elevation and
also/allow processing of the bar stations east of Charlie. Prior to
Shot: Vectar it will be necessary to use this DUKW for installations.
Boat,“t¥avel to various islands will also be required. Recovery of
detectorgand reactivation of some stations will involve the same
procedure sand entry into contaminated areas when radiological conditions perm bt Hot sample return by aircraft from Bikini to Eniwetok

will be nécéssary.

Samples will be sorted and one group forwarded

to the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), Washington, D. C., for counting. Short-lived activities will be counted in laboratory trailer

on Elmer.

Sample return will amount to about 2 cu ft per shot.

Flights have been requested at plus 2 and plus 4-5 days after each
shot. Couriers will be required.

Project Number: ~-2.



Performing Agency:


Distribution and Intensity
of Fall-out
U. S. Naval



troject Officer: Dr. ©. RA

To document the time-intensttyand; total distribution of radio-

active fall-out resulting from high yield) surface detonations.
To provide samples for physical and radiochemical analysis which
will provide basis for evaluation of the-residual contamin:tion hazards

resulting from such bursts.


There are severe limitations to reliablé-scaling of the residual contamination resulting from the JANGLE surface detonation but the
indications are that residual contamination résulting from large surface detonations produces very significant radiation fields over an
extensive area. Only fragmentary coverage of the f4ll-out distribu-

tion was obtained in the IVY tests.

It is plannedito thoroughly

document the fall-out resulting from several of the current test

detonations in order to evaluate the significance of residual contan-

ination from high yield surface bursts.


Both total and intermittent collectors will be placed :


of a broad pattern of fall-out stations. A total of 10 island and
26 lagoon raft stations will be instrumented for the detonations at


Select target paragraph3