It is recommended that off-site s::oort be planned such that TG 7.1 Headquc ters evi"!

be aware of the support to be availatie. This could be accomplished in a number of ways, e.7., —
by creating a regular support schedule or including a TG 7.1 representative when plarnshiy offsite support activity.

(c) Communications,

An unclassified voice circuit from the PPG to Los Alames (using

commercial facilities erst of Honolulu if economical and practical) is required.

The radio teletype and HF voice circuits installed and operated by the Scientific Tas Group

for communications between Eniwetok and Bikini Atolls proved most successful in providing a
close liaison between the various projects until the operation became shipborne. It is recommended that this same service be provided for future PPG operations and the capability of
operating the teletype from afloat be added.
The 10-watt Motorola radio proved to be the most satisfactory type of radio because of its
depenzability and portability. It is recommended that this type radio be providet by the mflitary supply system for all DOD scientific projects for future operations.
(d) Boat Support. Boat support at eachatoll proved adequate at all times. Although the
boat pools were severely strained on many occasions, especially when breakdowns occurred,
no work was left undone for lack of buat support. The need for a smail number of fairly fast
boats, for Firlng Party and other purposes, was again demonstrated, Such a boat should be
capable of a speed of about 20 knots in rough laguon waters, of going alongsidefiring barges
and ships’ accommodation ladders, should be rugged and reliable, and should have two engines
and a good covered passenger-carrying capacity.
Interatoll surface lift was adequate as long as there were two LST’s in service. On the

occasions when one LST was withdrawn for repairs or because of damage, the lift became

overloaded and a freight backlog developed. For an extended operation it is recotamesded that

three LST’s be available.

(e) Evacuation.

For the __

evacuation of Bikini, the J-3 Section published a detailed

chronological evacuation check list for the period ~5 to -1 day. This elaborate plan was necessary to ensure that the evacuation of the atoll was accomplishedwith as little interference as
possible to the scientific preparations. As the operation progressed the plans were less detailed because personnel became more accustomed to the part which they played, and teamwork
developed. In the last stages of the cperation, outline plans were published on the J-3 blackboard in lieu of detailed written plans. Although the need for lengthy written plans diminishes
as the operation progresses, the requirement for well thought-out plans still exists.

J-4 Section, Logistics

J~4 tried the system of having supply trailers to provide on-site supply suprort for rea’)
access of operating groups. It is recommended that future operations of this na’.re and size

be afforded such necessary service tn view of the favorable reaction received,
Transportainers and trallers have proved most satisfactory, and they have undoubtedly
paid for their investment in the form of reusable shipping containers, temporary fleld laboratories, and storage units. Their continued use {s strongly recommended.
The TG 7.1 vehicle requirement, which the Task Force fulfilled, was based on careful
analysis, curtailment, and integration of requests received from the various TG 7.1 users.
Additional requirements, due largely to expanded and added projects, continued to build up after
the initial requirement was placed on the Task Force. As a result there would have been a

during peak requirements, These occurred in January and February, when there were seven
camps in operation and build-up was at a maximum,







shortage of '4-ton vehicles, and readiness would have suffered accordingly had it not been for

the 27 World War Ii, Class X vehicles which were available to supplement the regular allotment


Select target paragraph3