In connéction with the Scientific Task Group’s planuing for and participation in Operation
Castle, I wish to acknowledge the over-all directicn and invaluable advice of Alvin C. Graves,

J-Division Leader, Los Alamos Scicctifie Laboratory, and Deputy for Scientific Matters, Joint
Task Force SEVEN.

It would not be possible ir the limited +tir ‘e avalluLls to detercine all of the contributors to

this report, It is based largely on data provide 4 by Programs, Projects, Task Units, ard Staff

Sections and was assembled by the Task Group staff.
The following are contributing authors whose efforts are greatly appreciated:
Rodney; L. Aamodt
William P. Ball
Paul R. Byerly, Jr.

Robert H. Campbell
Walton L. Carlson
John C, Clark
Stirling A. Colgate
Robert B. Cruise
Duncan Curry, Jr.

Loris M. Gardner
James L. Gaylord
Walter D. Gibbins
Huntington K, Gilbert
Herbert EB. Grier

Natharie! C. Ballett
Marchall G. Hoilowsy
Philip L. Hooper
Arthur J. Hudgins

Jack G. James

Armard W. Kelly
Walters T. Karin, dr,

Neil E. Kingste;
John W. Lipp
Edward A. Martell
Buford A. Mansum

Byron G. MecNahb

Richard J. Pitzer

Donald I. Prickzi

Owen A. Roberts
John D. Servis
Jamie L. Shumway
Ralph Carlisle Smith
Kenneth Street, Jr.
Rebast J. VanGemert
Jacob J, Wachsier
Robert S. White

Paul R. Wignall



Commander, TG 7.1

Select target paragraph3