
the muster officers, and at a predesignated tinie a sight musterofall Task Grou,
in PPG was coma.toh,
Muste >
as tanen simultaneously at both atol's on Shrimp--2 at 1@0% house,
Each muster officer turned in to the J-1 representative at his location a signed muster sheet

indicating that poction of his persennel he had sight-mustered. The J-1 representatives then
reported ths: purtion of the muster he had received to the Task Group Muster Officer for his
atoll. The Task Grows Mo ter Officers for Bikini and Eniwetck then consolidated the entire
muster, acccurting for atl serseraecl in the Forward Area. Upon completion of the muster at
Bikini, J-1 representati-zs were stationed at each ship’s gangway to register personnel embarking and debarking. These arrivals and departures were then reported to the Bikini Task

Group Muster Officer. A running account of themovement of each individual was kept, and the
muster was completed at about 1830 hours on

As a result of the

~1 when all perscnnel were afloat.

}shot, the land areas of Bikini Atoll were closed except to work

parties, and all persona-\ were quirtered at ard ship, which simotified the personnal-evacuation problems for subs2zient tests. Since shiptoard space was limited, the numbers of pecsonnel at that site between shot times were reduced to half of the peak reached in the latter

part of February. Similiarly,thenuuibers present at Bikini for muster at shot time were often
only half that experiencedi
For shots subsequent to_ ~~ |mustering on the Estes,

Curtiss, and the Bairoko was accompiisned persunally by the J-1 representative aboard. On
the Ainsworth, where the puoulaticn was the greatest, a mcdified system of muster groups wes
used. Once the muster commenced, gangway checks were niaintained to assure thecomplete

accountability of all Task Group personnel, At Eniwetok the system used

jwas con-

tinued throughout the operation.

exact muster times varied with each shet and depended upon existing conditions, but, in general, a minimum amount of time was permitted for mustering purpuses.
Similarly, not all musters were concurrently conducted at Bik‘ni and Eniwetok. It is to be
noted thaty
a muster was conducted at Bikini only. Complete control of personnal
movement to and from Eniwetok, close liaison with J-3, and good communications proved to be
the solution to an easily completed muster.

Evacuation of Property

Both prior to,

“and thereafter as the occasion required, personnel of J-4 were sta-

tioned at strategic points during critical phases of evacuation and reentry to facilitate the expeditious handling of property of TG 7.1 requiring movement to and from various points both
at Bikini and Eniwetok.
the original planning called for evacuation of all TG 7.1 property from sites
Bokoby2 !41a, Nat. uv, Yurochi, Rorizrikku, and Aomoen to sites Erinm?n and Enyu as well as
movement ont
ci cay of a number of semitrailers and certzin special cergo from EBikisf
to Eniwetok by LSi. ‘In order to implement the above, J-4 personnel were stationed at Nam.,
Romurikku, Enyu, aid Exninman to see that the evacuation was carried out without difficulty,
which was accomplished with the éxception that it took 3 hr longer than planned to complete
the off-loading and placementof final loads of vehicles evacuated to Enyu.
Originalplanning called for reentry and normal operation from ashore sites
‘when it was found that ashore operation was impossible, it became necessary

‘Yoevacuaté atarge amount of TG 7.1 property from Eninman and Enyu to Eniwetok. There
was a period of three weeks of unexpected shipping activity required by immediate evacuation
of vehicles and operational support property no longer needed at Bikini owing to afloat operation and the possibility of further damage ta property not required for operational use which

could be evacuated to Eniwetok. During this period over 30 semitrailers and 50 motor vehicles

of various types, along with tons of other general property, were moved from Bikini to Entwetok. This movement was carried out by work parties from ships in the lagoon. There was
only one point where an LST could beach, and difficulty was encountered on several occasions
because of LST grounding on a sandbar at beaching site. There was only one crane available _
for loading. No property was left behind, but the operation was very limited in the amount of


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