Some additional vehicles, Worid War Il types of gencra!l-purLuse vehicles, were miade avail wbic

by the AEC and Project 1.8. Project 1.8 also authorized the temporary use of some of the jeeus
which were later to be used as test vehicles, and t4o of the projects, Naval Rediolcgice! De-

fense Laboratory (NRDI.) and Looku:t Mountain Laboratory, provided a number of their own
During the peak of the operation there were 121 vehicles of all types in use by TG 7.1 on
Eniwetok and 110 similariy in uSe on Bikini Atoll. By types and owners thes: were as follows;

34-ton (4 x 4) woo winch

2'4-ton (6 x 6) w/winch

2'5-ton (6 x 6) w.’o winch
5-ton (6 x 6) truck-tractors

2'..-ton decontamination trucks

1¥%-ton trailers, wat-r, 450 gal


74-ton truck-tractors
a'/,-ton (6 x 6) flat bed trucks
§-ton wrecker
T-ton wrecker


t/ton (4 x 4) (World War I)

34-ton (4 x 4) (World War 0)
144-ton (6 x 6) (World War 1)




'%-ton (4 x 4)

3/-ton (4< 4) w winch


frre NO




Owner |

'/ -ton (4 x 4) (test vehicles}


1 -ton (4 x 4)


¥-ton (4 x 4)




Project 1.8


~~ @g— ~~


The new military vehicles were pescured 37 JTF SaVEN and shipped to the Forward Are.
where they were processed and iss ..2 by TG 7.2 on metcusineum receipt to the J-4 Secthe.,

Prior to the first shot, most of the vehicles on the upper islands of Bikini Atoll were
evacuated to Enyu and Eninman where they were used by TG 7.1 personnel in preparing for

subsequent shots. These were grad:ually evacuated to Enivetok as the shot schedule progressed
so that by Morgensternthe total nur:ber of TG 7.1 vehicies at Bikini was eight. “These were
At Eniwetok 2 concérted effort was made to reduce the number of assigned vehicles by_
turning them over to the J-4 Sectica, particularly after the departure of UCRL personne!
, The vehicles were turned in to the HEN maintenance shops
for first and second echelon maintenance and then returned to TG 7.2 for disposition.

Intra-atoll Boat Service

The intra-atoll boat service was set up to provide efficient boat transportation for both
Bikini and Eniwetok. The system provided for scheduled runs between established island camps
and for nonscheduled trips to outlying islands and lagoon stations. It was also necessary to

furnish boat transportation for evacuation of both personnel and material and to provide for
boats and DUKW’s for the recovery of records and samples after the shots.
At Eniwetok the surface lift was handled by the H&N boat pool which maintained an average of ten LCM’s, four LCU’s, and two water taxis in operation. Dispatching of boat trips was
accomplished by the H&N Marine Department. Requests for trips by the Scientific Group were _

made to the J-3 Section which in turn scheduled the trips with the H&N dispatcher and issued
boat request forms. In cases of conflict or when there were insufficient boats available, the

Select target paragraph3