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This and all subsequent schedules were based on having acceptable firing weather on the
day each shot was scheduled. No such luck was anticipated, however, and in all operational
planning weather was a problem of great concern. Completion dates anywhere from two weeks
to two months later than scheduled seemed reasonable to expect. The sixth (last) shot was

actually fired 29 days after its scheduled date.
By February 1953 the general outline of the LASL, UCRL, and DOD programs had been
established. It included the programs covered in this report, with the exception of the following
which were added later: Program 4, Biomedical Studies; Program 17, Microbarography;
Program 19, MarineSurvey; and Program 24, ExternalNeutron Measurements.



At the same time, through the Task Force, the Chief of the Armed Forces Special Weapons
Project (AFSWP) was urged to nominate as soon as possible a commander for TU-13, DOD

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