ULLASHEED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PaGe (Phen Dete Entered) REPORT DOCUKENTATION PAGE 1. REPORT WUMRER CORRECT IONS BEFORE COMPLETIN G FORM . 2. GOVT ACCESSION WO! 3. RECIPIENT'S CATALOG NUMBER WT-940 (EX) @. TITLE (md Subsite) S$. TYPE OF REPORT & PERIOD COVERED Operation CASTLE Report-of Commander, Task Group 7.1 7. AUTHOR(s) &. PERFORWING ORG, REPORT NUMBER &. CONTRACT OR GRANT NUMBER(S) Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Los Alamos, New Mexico SF ERT ORWING OREAMITATION WAUE AND ADDAESE Vt. 10, PROGRAM EL EWENT, PROJECT, TASK AREA & WORK UNIT NUMBERS. CONTROLLING OFFICE HAME AND ADDRESS 12. REPORT DATE June 1954 13. NUMBER OF PAGES 73 1S. SECURITY CLASS. (of thie report) Td. MONITORING AGENCY NAME & ADORESS(il different from Controlling Office) Unclassified Sa, 16. OECL ASSIFICATION/ DOENGRADING SCHEOULE OSTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of thts Report) Approved for public release; unlimited distribution. 17. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of the abstract entered in Block 20, ff different lrom Report) 18. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 19. KEY FOROS (Continue on reverse side if necessary and identtly by block numbert This report has had the classified information removed and has been republished in unclassified form for public release. This work was performed by the General Electric Company-TEMPO under contract DNA001~79-C-0455 with the close cooperation of the Classification Management Division of the Defense Nuclear Agency. Operation CASTLE Radiochemistry Threshold Detectors Thermal Radiation Blast & Shock Measurements 20. Nuclear Radiation Effects Long-Range Detection Biomedical Studies ACSTRACT (Continue on reverse side Uf necessary and Identily by Llock number) The objectives of Operation Castle were threefold: (1) to fire some seven experimental devices, six of which were to be in the megaton range and several of which were to be proof tests of weapons; (2) to obtain that diagnostic information on these devices which is necessary to evaluate properly their performance in case of either success or failure; and (3) to obtain effects information for megaton-region devices. an DD FORM sau 73 1473 EDITION OF TU NOV ES 1S OBSOLETE Unclassified er rine mem TIN NE Fete MOT eR Me eee