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was found to be much more teacacious than that experienced in similar tests at the Buster-

Jangle underground shot, and the accepted decontamination procedures were less effective.
Project 8.6, recordings of effects on ionospheric layers, particularly the F, layer, was

successful in most instances. Because of radiation levels, the Rongerik station could not be
operated continuously for complete ionosphere history, but the station was activated for all

shots. The significance of recorded results will require detailed study prior to the writing of

a final report.


Program 7, Long-range Detection


” Participationin the test was really twofold, con-

sisting of some experiments specifically designed for Operation Castle and some operational
tests of routine procedures.

The three projects of Program 7 were instrumented to investigate electromagnetic signals, acoustic signals, and particulate and gaseous debris associated with nuclear explosions.
Portions of the experiments were conducted at the Pacific Proving Grounds (PPG), but most of
the project sites were located at great distances from the detonation points.

In all projects the operational phase of the experiment-was successful in that, quantatively,
the desired records and debris were obtained. The analytical phase of the experimerts was not
complete at the time of this report, and qualitative results are not yet available,

Program 9, Cloud Photography

The only technical project in Program 9 was Project 9.1, Cloud Photography. A summary
of this project follows.
The purpose of this program was the photogrammetric determination of the various parameters of nuclear clouds as a function of time and the attempt to establish approximate scaling
(yield) relations. The most important of these parameters is the rate of rise of the cloud and

the area of the cone swept out by the rising material. Of secondary importance are the dimensions and drift of the cloud as functions of time after it has reached maximum altitude.
The operational plan for this project involved the participation of four aircraft equipped
with gyro-stabilized mounts holding a K-17 aerial camera and an Eclair 35-mm motion-picture camera. Three of these aircraft were C-54’s, with a flight plan which called for altitudes
of 10,000, 12,000, and 14,000 ft orbiting around the cloud for the purpose of conducting photography from H-hour until H plus the time required for the cloud to lose its identity, One aircraft, an RB-36, operated at 35,000 ft and conducted photography for a period of 10 min,
The a-.ia! photography and processing of the negatives were the responsibilities of TU-9.
The backup terrestrial photography was done by Edgerton, Germeshausen & Grier, Inc. (EG<¢G:,
, in conjunction with Project 13.2. Analysis of the photography and evaluation of the data are
solely the responsibility of EG&G. Program 9 participated in all shots,
As of this date pre-preliminary results only for Shrimp shot have been submitted by EG&G.
It has been reported, however, that analysis is proceeding satisfactorily, and it is believed by
-EG&G personnel conducting the photogrammetric analysis that preliminary and final data results will exceed in accuracy the preoperational expectations.

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