The body buraen B in year t, where to would be the time of removal from
the atoll and thus 60 would be the body burden at the end of 7 y, will be

B. (0.5e

where AL

+ 0.5 e

= rate constant for removal from liver
= rate constant for removal from bone
= ~

00173 y-’
= 0.00693 y-’

and uniform distribution


is assumed between bone and liver.

- B2 = 2.19 x 104fCi

Thus B, - B2 = 0.5 60 [e
- ~-O.00693(2)



= 2.19 X

-0.0173(1) - e-0.0173(2)

+ -0.00693(1)

] = 0.5 60 [0.024] = 0.012 B. = 2.19 x 104 fCi

1.83 x 106 fCi
based on current accepted fractional

deposition and

Select target paragraph3