The decision to evacuate a community is a critical one for t:ree
principal reasons,

One, presumably there might be a health hazard if the

personnel were allowed to remain,

wo, there is abrays an element of dager

and/or hardship to personnel Anvolved in such an emergency measure,


the evacuation of @ siza:le commmity would serio:sly jeopardize the future
use of the Nevada Proving Grounds and thus affeet the country's weapons -

éevelopment prorran,
It ia recognized trat extemating circumstances may accorpany any
aituation where conditions imiicate evacuation as a mode of action.

The size

of the comsunity, areas and accommodations available for the evacuees, meats
of tranaportation an¢ routes of evacustion, disposition of ambulatory cases,
protection of the property left behind, and many other factors may enter into
the decision relative to evacuation,

A blanket evaluation cannot be made in

each situation can be unique,

The following criteria thcrefore are

OMe |





suggested as puides/anseasing tie possitle radiological hazards;

the final

cecision must be made on the tasis of all relevant factors know at the tine.

Select target paragraph3