The following policies were established after full ecasidsration for
the health and welfare of the public, both in terms of radiological exposure
as well as possible hasards, hardships er {nocnvenlences resulting from dis-

ruption of normal activities,

They ere considered to be sound guides to the

Test Manager not only for protecting the health and welfare of the public tut
eleo in arriving at decisions that would be morally and legally defensible ty
the Atomic Energy Commission.
Two basie assumptions are made in this report:

1. It is the responsibility of ‘the Division ef Biology and Medicine
to establish such policies for the Atomio Energy Commission as
Geened necessary to protect the health and welfare of the
general populace from consequences of weapons tests conducted at

the Bevada Proving Grounds.
2. Although the Division of Biology and Medicine will gladly give
assistance and advice, the operational procedures adopted for

mosting these policies shall be the responsibility of the Senta
Fe Operations Office and the Test Manager, as directed by the

Division of Military Applications.
The following policies do not apply to domestic or wild enimels since
levels of radiation which would be significant vould have to be mich higher

than those specified herein,

Select target paragraph3