It was suggested in Policy II thet normal closedtype footwear (as

eompared to such as open sandals) would probably afford adequate protection

against significant bete doses to the feet from fallout material on the ground.
There is still the eAded problem if the material be scuffed up and eling to
the ankles and lower legs.

If there vere no intervening elothing, or

perhaps evan vith thin stockings or socks, this aight result in significant
blological beta doses being delivered to these parts.

For exazple, if the

geuza dose rate reading et E43 hours vere something less than
per hour, @vacuation would not be Indicated.


However, for fallout naterial

of the sane concentretion in eontact with the skin the beta dose rate at
7 wg/ex* would be about 600 reps/hour. (See Appendix B.) Presumebly, per=sonnel would be kept indoors for a few hours tut upon release the approxinate

beta dose rates at 7 ng/en® would be 260 m/br three hours later or 210 at/hr
six hours later. In addition, there is the varishle factor of what ooncentration ofMRmateriel may socumlate in the ankle region by valking around

an area.
4 concentration of fallout material on the ground thet would result
in about 20 roentzens maximm theoretical infinity ganze dose, if in eontact

of about 2/4, sa@eg those indicated in the previous paragraph.










with the skin would result in a beta dose rate to the basal layer of the skin




Select target paragraph3