Based on calculations in Appendices 3 and D, when am object is held
in a hand, a rough estimate of the ratio of dose rates ef beta to the basal
layer ef the epidermis to that of the gemma reading on a survey meter held

four inches avay from an object two inches in radius (outside a general

radiation field) 1s 2600-5200 to 1, (Appendix I) Thus, if this object were
eontaninated with the sane activity per mit area that would produce a
LO-rventgen whole-body gana dose from general contamination of the area,

it would produce about 77 ar/hr gamma at four inches avay at Bl hours,

and about 200-400 reps/bour at a depth of 7 mg/en®.# Since the palus of
the handshave an epproxinate epiderual layer of about 40 ng/cr” the beta
dose to the basal layer would be about 135-270 reps/hour.

(The tixe of

BAL was selected to show about the highest magnitude of dose rates.) If
one assumes that the decay is according to gi, then the total beta
dose to the basal layer of the epidermis in the next 10 hours would be
about 250-500 reps.
Whereas the above estimates do not indicate an alarming situation, a

wore serious problex may come when the contamination fs jut less than that

where evacuation is indiested. For example, the contaxinstion of the general
area may be five or six tines that used as an illustration in the preceding
paragraph, without svacuation being recommended.

Thus, beta dose rates


from handling objects, especially in tinss soon after fallout, may be high


enough to be a probles, A simple and expedient procedure to reduce this

factor 1s frequent washing of the hands after handling objects that were in
the fallout.

Boo. Q


*Toese numbers agree fairly well with the computations in "Beta-contact
Hazards Associated with Ganms-radiation KMeasurerents of Mixed Fission
Froducts", Teresi, J.D., USXRDL-383 (CONPIDENTIAL)


Select target paragraph3