
island away from the lagoon. A routine radiological survey of Bikini Island conducted in
June 1975 yielded ominous results. It revealed that the island's interior was too radioactive for housing and thar some wells chere

were contaminated with radioactive plutonium. Furthermore, it showed that while co-

conuts were safe, brcadfruit and pandanus.
two staples of the Bikinian diet, contained

unacceptably high levels of radiation. The
survey report concluded that if the Bikini re-

settlement program proceeded as planned, the
people would receive external gamma radia-

tion in excess of federally prescribed limits.

The Bikimans. frustrated and confused by
the contradictory information they were receiving, broughre suic in federal court in October 1975 to force the United Srates to stop
the resettlement program until it conducted
the much-discussed comprehensive radiolog-

ical survey of the atoll. In che complaint the

Bikinians openly conceded their ignorance as
to the atoll’s safety, ignorance which, it now
turns out, was shared by the U.S. govern-

ment. The Bikintans stated: ‘For us to make
an intelligent decision to resettle Bikini Arcoll,

we must be able to weigh our desire to return
against the radiological risks of returning. We

have not been provided with that informa-

well water on Bikini Island exceeded accept-

able U.S. standards. Coconuts, formerly
thought safe, turned out tocontain high levels

of radiation, and the islanders were told that

they could eat only one a day. Medical examinations revealed that the people living on

Bikini had absorbed doses of cancer-causing
radioactive elements—such as strontium, plutonium, and cesium—in excess of those con-

sidered safe by U.S. experts.

In early 1978 U.S. scientists concluded
thar the Bikinians’ alarmingly high leveis of
internal radiation were caused by their consumption of locally grown foods planted as

part of the Bikini rehabilitation project U.S.
officials immediately informed the 139 people

living on Bikini Island that they could no
longer eat locally grown food but were tosubsist solely on food and water brought in from
the ourside.

The outside food support system. which
had been initiated in the mid-1970s to provide supplements to local food grown on Bikini, was a complete failure. Although the

trust territory government scheduled monthly
trips to take food to Bikini Island, it did not
have enough ships to provide regular service.

Ships did not call on Bikini for two or three
monthsat a time, so the people on theisland.

tion... .”’

having exhausted their supply of imported

over which agency would pay for the survey,

would have to be declared off limits for longterm habitation for at least 50 years. and it
began to plan moving the people living on

Settlement discussions quickly followed
the filing of the lawsuit, and che United Srates
readily agreed to conduct the survey. Nevertheless. governmental infighting continued
and how much it would cost. The Defense
Department, asked in 1976 to estimate the
cost of a radiological survey of the entire
northern Marshall Islands, put che figure at
$2.58 million. The House Interior Appropriations Subcommittee promptly budgeted
$2.6 million for the survey in 1977, but Defense took no action, saying it needed more

food, had no choice but to eat the contaminated food they grew themselves. By March
1978 Interior concluded that Bikini Island

Bikini Island five miles south to Eneu.
One month later a medical team arrived on

Bikini co test the islanders again. Ironically.
the Bikinians, who still did not understand
the risks to which they were being exposed,
offered coconuts—the most radioactive crop
on the island—tothe arriving scientists as a

sign of friendship. Examinations showed

This squabble over paying for the survey
lasted three years. During this time che fears
of the Bikinians were borne out; tests in 1977

what was described as an ‘incredible’ one-

showed that the level of strontium 90 in the

year, 75 per cent increase in body burdens of
radioactive cesium 137. U.S. scientists stated
thac the people living on Bikini may have



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