. OY . o ~ . DOB ARCHIVES, «ate 2 2 SEP Ve69 SUBJECT: Fourth Status Report, © Cleanup of Bikini Atoll 5. In preparation for their phase of the resetilernent program, the Trust Territory Government has delivered some 18, 6000 seed coconuts to Bikini Atoll, anc the Bikinians have established « sprouting mirsery on Enyu Isjand, 6. Plans for withdrawal of the Biking Task Group prior to 1 Cctober 1969 zre procecding pa eos: First equipraent is cupected to leave the atoll about 2) September. Sea lift Fos other Bikira eqvps nt back to normal bases has not yet been confirmed, but haisan with CINCPACH dndicétes thei of opportunity will in ell probe: bility be made able, Jf neccessary, andas alast resori, METS lift will be scheduled, % In accordance with Seerctury of Defonse messarc 05232424 August 1969, Director, DASA is coordinating 901) roquizements for residue] ap . res Por fF KH ye a rode, WN pees : Nope Jand sites at Dilaai “Atoll with the Cope 5, ce by Dey ge reped . me boy a es ae os Interior, OO Le 1 t . a sat to a ve inf Nena! e tre withdraw, - es )» - “a . eee of the as - ay et Nay yo bit ~ e.g poet Re a ee ne pe occupancy of Bahind Atol]) cen be torrmincied. - .7y acxised oe ie that the ae Sem rete corr spond enc yog NYO a a puree Gud the ANC-DOD promram at 1 A!SWESPIN Vice Adcrniral, USN Director Cr: HICOMTERPACIS SAIPAN Chairman, CNO JCS , CINCPAC oo CINCPACIE LY CINCaea AGELMA Nat Sec Jiv, \ OM (fiscal Mat ters) CETEAR CUPOOR BR OTR RLS 2 2. Ca exclusive 0D 4]. ys 24 Territory Governnent and the Secretary of Navy. Yo cate, the Army and Navy bave indicated thei they have ne suc mov, are dmown and the Cleanui Vesk Croup have Kar “Ore “yg eed Trus