Ces 1 00 coe 30 eda op oD to card DOEnas ARCHIVES ON a a pe 7 ALA, oe a + “se | eancary bd a npue ewe DSFENSE ATOMICtags 3 SUPCOR T AGENCY oS We tae a oa - - by ose Le ban aye . TOL DG. Ne #0595 wanes WASHING ks ‘“ </" Me fe +~ 3 5 : ADDRUISS REPLY TO 408384 SE i JE65 MEMORANDUM FOR TUE SIGHS RY OF DEFENSE “PAE SECRETARY OF INTERIOR ree ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION ce WT rer 4 a r capa Cyr Fourth Status Report, Clearnip of Bikini Atoll Reference is made to Directer, DASA memoranda of @ May, S }, fA and 6 August 1909 to the above addressecs, = SUBIECT: , 1] July es Votatius Report, Nose of Bikini Atoll, " which reported the sitvetion threugh 3) July 196S On 19-20 August 1969 the AEC-DOD Hikini Cleanup Project Manzge: x es the Migh Comn sigue, Of the Trust Territory, ana ud aah a ws 2, ntives of the AIC made an inspection visit to Bikini Atoll, 3. Vhe cleanup work is procecding satininctorily, end is expected to he completed by about 26 September. ‘Vie island werk force munbers 66 eat “fpr \ “2 C o£ * =7 — cy by ey ge ha = yen toy ~¢t ~ “~ at it L oe ya ye. - Sorps > men; nine Bikinicius are included, j Laislanas in the atoll and is preparing the aren documents recvired for certification of ra sa logical safety. Jn gencral, it is expected that these will show that th ishands of principal interest for perinancnt inhabit w430n are COD]sle ete he afe for that usage, as are ae number of additional outlyin: sslande (ba cicground radiation levels actuelly lower than in many areas of the U.S, y, Some arees in certain of Fe Jsjands, thovcn se 4ce for intermitient entry and use, are not safe for permanent in rabiintion. (it is undersiood that in pre-test years none of£ (he arcas now in this catevory were porininenily inhabited.) All discrete physical objects showing significant raqia4. Yhe AEC has completed radiation surveys \ o aL 4 ch £ Ea) ; tion, such as iteiis of debris, have been or will be removed; the source of the residual radiation is nuclides distributed, fax example, im the soil, Thus it appears that the AlNC should cortinue periodic rnonitering of the areas not yet fully safe, to observe or confirmthe expected radiation decay to fully safe levels, (TT ee eee : oe BEST COPY AVAILAS LE: OEE TR! OR et , oe ww ee ; : neny, u CP- oeSecCoe faeYL To ae has | tag raea itindien REEETeeS AO hac oom, “_e _Ka { A beg Vv 2. 5