

The PHS (Indian Health Service),as

a model, has not been really responsive to or
perceptive of the unique cultural problems associated

with applying U.S.

(Western) style medicine to a

different culture (explain and expand on the
experiences at Ship Rock Indian Hospital and their
interface with traditional Indian healers).

The National Academy of Sciences -

is representative of the "best" and technologicallyadvanced, research-based, academically-oriented
U.S. medicine.

It is not really oriented, as its

first priority,

to developing or delivering the

"best care" for the minimum investment (based on
realistic cultural expectation).
The people who are the real experts in

practical, "hands on" development of third world
medicine are a few non-traditional universities
(Loma Linda is the best example for the Marshall
Islands), a few foundations - The Rockefeller

Foundation, particularly - working with the U.S.
Agency for International Development (AID) (Please
see enclosed xerox copies of consultants from The

Rockefeller Foundation from Dr. Bryant's book. )
I would hope that the National Academy would
recommend a small working group to nominate wellqualified members for selection to the final


(Could Dr. Walsh McDermott chair this

working group?)

We certainly need the input of the

Select target paragraph3