The Department of Energy will provide funding of
such sums as are necessary to implement the public
law after allocation by appropriate Congressional



Actually, Ted Mitchell (working via Representa-

tive Philip Burton) is attempting to influence the
composition of the "Advisory Council".

Our pre-

liminary discussions with Ted indicated that he felt

that BNL should be the “lead Lab".
This first planning meeting at the Department of
Interior (10:00 A.M. - April 23, 1980)

a "pre-planning meeting", according to

is actually

John DeYougra

The meeting will include DOI, DOE and BNL repre-


The goals are to develop an agenda

for the first formal planning session for the
organization of the Scientific Advisory Committee.
I feel this is a critical meeting because:

The chances are excellent that the Department

of Interior will "defer"

responsibility to the

Public Health Service, much like the Indian Health
Services arrangement via the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
T£ this happens,

the PHS, serving as the functional

professional base, will be guided by the Scientific
Advisory Council, set up by the National Academy of


I seriously doubt if DOE or HEW (except

for their PHS input) will have much to say.

I am

afraid this will be the least desirable management
alternative because:

Select target paragraph3