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-l1l,.. I find novhere «:: ciscission or the exnectce erfects

ove choos an eta usle

or the-teocle f.com rediavion o: other nanradce hazards were
trey jui-b2:an 90: tre islanags with n> cleanup. “SOW many cases

33 cencer or leracnie ore broner. legs wouls one heve in vow
much tine?
It .cers to nme that trese -U@SECS are necessary
i’ one 13 to balonce the environmental imoact a:cginst the
bonerit. Perhaps the Aso is going to furnish this?
ie. Tosugge:t that in many vlaces in the statement it
Soyale te peirter’ to simely cive the inve
Without offering
jicsenent as to whether that inoact is ,20d or ted,

Ww J aeG

Select target paragraph3