
28) Americans

O¢t Marshallese
I8 Marshallese

Persons Involved

VE rocnteens

78 roenteens

175 roentyens
69 roenteens

trating Dose

Estimated Pene-



Less exten.

Dexree of

Skin Contam.

* US. Doc, T, PVE; 10/28, dated May6, 1948, 1/1235, p. 82,

Alb the experiments with lethal weapons within this area be inmmediates
ceased. Uf the experiments with said weapons should: be judged absolute
necessary for the eventual well-beine of all people of this world andes
not be stopped or changed to other areas due to the unis vilability ofode:

ship Council in O50 requesting that:

over Committee of the Marshallese Coneress, petitioned the Pruste:

One hundred eleven Marshallese, including members of the Tel}

explosion it was estimated that the radiation dosage was about 5,000
rocntgens for the first 36-hour period after the fallout. The highest
radiation measuiement outside Bikini Atoll indicated a dosage of
2,300 rocntgens for the same period. ‘This was in the northwestern
part of Rongelap Atoll, about 100 miles from the point of deton.
tion. “Phe roentgen is the commonly accepted unit of measurement
of radiationdosage. A dose of about 25 roentgens of radioactivity t
eetved by a person overa bric€ space of time will produce temporary
changes in blood. A dose of some 100 roentgens received in a short
interval may produce nausea and other symptoms of radiation sich
ness. About 150 rocntgens delivered over a day or so i: y befatal te
¢pproximatcly hallof the persons so exposed.

Inside Bikini Atoll, ata point ten miles “downwind” from the

note the later clfects of radiation. Dataon the original investigations
and resurveys were published in a report entitled Some Effects of

the medical and genetic status of the group at specified intervals tw

Full co-operation and support from all the agencies enabled the
team tq Operate at maximum ciliciency and to render appropriate
care to the injurcd with little delay. Plans were made to evaluate



on Ailingnae

Roneclap people



TABLE IL. Patrour Inqesy ero Maron, 1956, Paci

Records, “Fourteenth Session, Sith

Report of

hoe Conmnitice en Petitieus for fune 2-puly 16, 1950 (New York, (1), 240,

vs, ‘Trusteeship Cound, Official

hhts Dearie: dv aimind the provisions of the United Nations Gharter
ad the Crusteeship Agreement. Pending the Court's opinion, the

eauice tender an advisory opinion on the legality of such experi-

the Indian delegation: proposed that dhe International Court of


Torys resources, or Lo protect the elements olf Micronesiau civiliza-

sed to cnsure the welfare of the inhabitants, to conserve the ter-

wa had his home been destroyed as a result of the tests,
Vhe claims of the United States delegation were questioned by Ti
a's representatives led by V. K. Krishna Menon, who contended that
ue Trusteeship Agreement gave the United States the right to estabsinuliiary bases and to station troops in the area, not to use the
ory as a proving ground for nuclear weapons. ‘Uhe reference to
thategie area” in the agreement only concerned the defense of the
:anitory by the administering authority. Menon pointed out that the
Houncil was faced with two grave issues OL principtes Vhe first qquessoned the right of the Administering Authority to use a territory
heed underits trust for a testing ground: the second concerned the
\iininistering Authority's duty to ensure the well-being of the peo- and to conserve the natural resources of the territory ander
ininisttation. Activities in the Pacific islands were certainly not des-

ed tie fact that no person had lost his life, or been set iously injured,

trusteeship Council Standing Committee on Petitions that his
ople had not been warned of nuclear explosions anc were not
wwe that the drinking water on theislands had been contaminated,
the United States delegation upheld the right to conduct: nuclear
vty in the area on the ground that the ‘Trusteeship Agreement speahculy designated the teiritory as a ‘strategic areca” to cusure their
onntry’s role in Che maintenance of peace and security and cmpha-

Dwieht Heine, a representative of the Marshallese, toformed the

aneful in the detecting and circumventing of preventible dangers.

oightto Marshallese medical practitioners and health aides which would


anions, the lofowing suggestiaus sere submited: ATL possible preciue
cy comme setosde be baer berore sack weapons te caploded. VU tuanian
oan, and their valuable possessions be transported to safe distances first
rate such explosions oceut, lL the people living in the area be instructed
vsatety measures, Adequate funds be set aside to pay for she possessions
the people Pa case they hive to be moved from there homes, Courses Ie


Select target paragraph3