
Altogether about 80 personnel were utilized in activities
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devoted to safety.
Radiological Surveillance

Radiological safety (Rad-Safe) was a separate Task Unit
within the Joint Task Force organization. Rad-Safe responsibilities included procuring, storing, and issuing Rad-Safe supplies and equipment, instrument maintenance, issuance and
processingof film badges, maintenanceof personnel radiation

exposure records, supervision of monitoring, decontamination,

waste disposal activities, procurement and distribution of high
density goggles, and other activities as indicated by the poten-

tial hazards of the situation.

The Rad-Safe Branch contained

an Off-Site Surveillance Section.

Personnel from this section

participated in monitoring at off-site populated islands in the
vicinity of the test area and periodically collected water and
food samples.
Aircraft Monitoring
Aircraft were used to monitor the cloud of airborne radioactivity during early times after detonation and to track the
cloud periodically over a period of two or three days.
Environmental Safety
During Operation Dominic (1962) there were 35 nuclear detonations above the Pacific Ocean near Christmas and Johnston
Islands. The explosive vields of these devices ranged from low
kiloton into the megaton range in TNT equivalent. The height
of burst for each detonation was sufficient to negate local radio-

active fallout.

The devices were delivered to the point of

detonation by either manned aircraft or by surface-to-air mis-

siles. In addition to the atmospheric tests, there was one
underwater test of a low yield nuclear device detonated in the

Eastern Pacific Ocean several hundred miles from the closest
land area. Essentially all the radioactive fission products

produced bythis test were deposited in the ocean and were soon

dispersed and diluted to concentrations which were of no significant biological hazard to man or marinelife.
All nuclear events at Christmas Island were detonations
of devices released from manned aircraft. These bursts oc-

curred over water and were planned for execution under favor-

able atmospheric conditions to minimize the likelihcod of
contamination of land surfaces. In addition, following each
event, ground and aerial monitors surveyed the island to determine whether any radioactive rain-out occurred.

A Hazards Evaluation Unit composed of scientific personnel


of contractor laboratories (Lawrence Radiation Laboratory,

Select target paragraph3