operations or national defense, against the “risks” (radiation

exposure). Obviously, this is an exceedingly complex and, in
part, subjective process.

In spite of these difficulties this balancing of benefits from

normal peacetime operations against risks has been performed
by the Federal Radiation Council (FRC) resulting in their

recommendingradiation protection guides for this purpose. **
In a letter of August 17, 1962 to the Joint Committee on Atomic
Energy, Congress of the United States, the FRC clarified

further their published Guides:

“... the Guides were originally developed for
application as guidelines for the protection of radiation workers and the general public against exposures
which might result during ‘normal peacetime opera-

tions’ in connection with the industrial use of ionizing
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radiation ... the term ‘normal peacetime operations’
referred specifically to the peaceful applications of
nuclear technology where the primary control is

placed on the design and use of the source. Since
numerical values in the Guides were designed for the
regulation of a continuing industry, they were of
necessity set so low that the upper limit of Range II ©
can be considered to fall well within levels of exposure
acceptable for a lifetime. Furthermore, to provide

the maximum margin of safety, the upper limits of
Range II were related to the lowest possible level at

which it was believed that nuclear industrial technology could be developed...”

Guides developed primarily for use by industryin restricting
its releases of radioactive effluents to the general environment
outside their controlled areas are, of course, very materially

lower than those that might constitute a serious health hazard.

A fourth reason why concern has been expressed about

health risks from fallout maylie inithe area of causal relation-

ships, i.e., the identifying or associating of nuclear tests with
nuclear war. There mayhave been established in the minds of

some that nuclear weapons testing and nuclear wargo hand-in-

hand, i.e., the first axiomatically leads to the second.

A dis-

cussion of causal relationships is beyond the scope of this

booklet, yet one point must be made.
As a matter of technical fact, nuclear weapons of proven

performance would not have been possible without the testing

of nuclear devices and the verifying of nuclear concepts that

were incorporated into their design.

Whatever protection we

enjoy from our nuclear arsenal results from a stockpile of testproven nuclear weapons, not a stockpile of drawing board




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