As a crude comparison, the 10.4 million tons TNT equivalent
nuclear detonation on October 31, 1952 on the island of Elugelab

in the Pacific left a crater of about one mile in diameter and
170 feet deep at its apex. Assuming conservatively that
the crater was a right angle cone and that all of the debris
was thrown into the atmosphere, i.e., none of the depression
was caused by compression, it is estimated that about 15,000

million tons TNT equivalent of surface detonations would be

required to eject an amount of dust into the atmosphere equivalent of Krakatoa.
Following large nuclear detonations in the Pacific minor and

temporary weather changes have been observed, such aslocal
cloud formation sometimes with local precipitation, where
the moisture conditions in the atmosphere are most favorable
for this effect.

The most inclusive evaluative statements made are found in
references 31 and 2.
“... No. statistically significant changes in the
weather during the first ten years of the atomic age
have been found, yet careful physical analysis of the
effects of nuclear explosions on the atmosphere must
be made if we are to obtain a definite evaluation of this
problem. Although it is not possible to prove that
nuclear explosions have or have not influenced the
weather, it is believed that such an effect is unlikely .. .” (1956).
“,. although there has been much speculation
about the influence of atomic testing on weather, there
still appears to be no additional evidence suggesting a cause andetfect relationship .. .”’ (1960).
Background Information
A wide variety of factors determine both the ground motions
and structural responses from nuclear detonations, i.e., energy
yields of the detonations, distance from eround zero, depth of
the shot and depth of measurement, and the nature of the
ground (hard rock, ete.) “Competent” rock such as vranite
couples and transmits more energy into seismic ground waves
than does alluvium—a noncohesive sedimentary deposit.
Although ground waves will be more rapidly absorbed in alluvium, it is possible for waves to travel vreat distances along
the surface with relatively large amplitudes (amount of motion)
if the alluviumis very thick. However, these surface waves
die out rapidly with the depth into the ground. Because of the


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Select target paragraph3