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Background Information

Radioactive fallout debris emits beta particles some of which
emerge from fallout material with sufficient range in air to
reach from the ground to the head of an erect man. However,
in human tissue the range of these beta particles is limited
principally to a very small fraction of an inch so that only the
skin is irradiated when fallout debris is outside the body.

Further, there has been no observed skin damage except from

relatively heavy fallout where the radioactive fallout material has remained in direct contact with the bare skin. Even

a single layer of cotton clothing apparently greatly reduces

the radiation dose from beta particles.
Approximately a 500 roentgen dose delivered by beta particles from fallout debris to the base of the outer layer of the

skin tissue is required to produce erythema (reddening of the

FIGURE 4a.— Highly radioactive fallout material remained in contact with the

feet causing severe skin damage—28 days after initial contamination,


Select target paragraph3