the positioning of both aircraft and had the capability.fa-p06itfon either
aircraft within specified limits.

The TEAKand ORANGE Events had originally been scheduled to be fired
at Bikini and most of the necessary installations had been completed.


to the possibility of causing permanent damage to the eyes of the native

population within 00 miles of the fireball, Commander, Joint Task Force
SEVEN decided to move these events to Johnston Island and assigned the
codeword NEWSREEL to the operation there.

The NEVWSREEL Events were still

a part of Operation HARDTACK and the various Task Groups still retained
their primary responsibilities,

As a result of these changes, the B-36's

departed Eniwetok in May, after YUCCA, as the TEAK and ORANGE shots were
rescheduled for 1 August and 15 August respectively.

These aircraft re-


turned to Hickam AFB in mid-July to resume participation in the NSWSREEL
phase of HARDTACK, staging their mission from that location,

Figure 10

gives the pertinent statistics concorning the B-36 participaticn in
Operation HARDTACK,
The Air Force Canbridge Research Center sponsored the Ionosphere Element and furnished a C-97 aircraft to support its participation in
Operation HARDTACK,
ORANGE shots.

Its participation was +o be limited to the T2AkK and

This aircraft arrived at Eniwetok shortly before the deci-

sion was made to move these shots to Johnston Island and returned to the
ZI without having participated in the Eniwetor Proving Ground phase of the

It was scheduled to return to Hickam AFB and stage its missions

from there at the same time as the B~36 aircraft.

It was delayed in its

arrival due to storm damage and an engine change and missed some of the

early practices for TEAK,


It did, however, participate in both events.




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