
-1 Task Group personnel to the Eniwetok Proving Grounds was

effected in an orderly manner, following a pre-set schedule for movement
of each element.

The Air Force Novement Directive, published in January,

1958, contained a detailed breakdown of the Task Group, listing assigned
shipment numbers and readiness dates for each increment of personnel departing the ZI for the Eniwetok Froving Grounds.

Each Major Air Comzand,

followed by issuing Movement Orders directing movement of their personnel.

In mid-June, when it became apparent that the operation would extend
over a longer period of time than had been anticipated, it became necessary
to review the manning status of the entire Task Group to determine the need for extension or replacement of personnel in the EPG.

We had planned for re-

placement of 31 augmentation personnel whose TDY tours would of mission
necessity be in excess of the 179 day limitation.


Extension of the opera=

tional period necessitated establishment of a program te insure that a such
larger number of people now required for conduct of the operation either (1)

be returned to the ZI and replaced by parent organization or (2) extended
beyond 179 days under authority granted Joint Task Force SEVEN in the USAF
Movement Directive.
The Task Group 7.4 complement established at Johnston Island for operation
NEWSREEL amounted to only six officers and one airman.

The bulk of Task

Group 7.4 personnel engaged in NEWSHERL were based at Hickam Air Force Ease

and Earbers Point Naval Air Station.

Personnel at these two locations

totalled approximately 82 officers and 302 enlistcd personnel.




Select target paragraph3