

As stated in the precedinz chapter, the °50th Test Group (Nuci-ar)
had a dual responsibility for operation as a Troup under the Air rorce

Special Weapons Center and as Task Group 7. under Joint Task Force SEVE".

During the initial planning stages of Operetion HARDTACK, the 959th was
perticipating in a continental test series at the Nevada Test Site.


mination of personnel requirements and procurement of personnel for duty

in the EPG had to be accomplished in addition to the normal workload incidsnt
to a continental test cperation.
Personnel requirements within the Test Services Unit were este. lisned
hy Headquarters, MATS, on the basis of planning information made availasie to
them relative to ths scope of their participation in Operation HAD?cK.

Those Test Aircraft



Services Unit elements from within MATS resources,


Yerdquarters MATS assuned full responsibility for the manning of all Te.t

Unit ond Test Base Unit elements conposed of perscniel fron other tian
Al. Force Gpecial “leepons Center resources were alsc manned by the aporomriate Major jiir Command.
In order to deter-ine and better estimate the requirements fcr the
ausertation force during Opcration HiaDTACK, it wes necessary to study

t-e strensth ficvres that aprlied to Operaticn REDNIMG in 1956.

Thuis was

screwrat complicated Ty the changes that had taken place in the crzganizaticn

c°a tie permanent Eniwetck Air Base Squadron.

In 1956, curing Operaticn

REDUING, itwas é large organization with a permanent strength cf over L100

During Operation HARDTACK it was a much smaller organization that hec

to be ausmented by TDY personnel from the h952nd Support Squadren te meet
its increased requirements during the test operation.

On 14 March 1957, the officer manning requirements for HARDTACK were
estahlisned and a requisition was submitted to Air Research and Develcpment


This requisition was based on rission requirements only.


=MAlih Be


By Hay


Select target paragraph3