being condu

The mission of the 925th is that of collecting parti-

culate and zaseous samples 13° flying specially equipped 5-57 aircraft
through nuclear clouds.

This squadron becomes the nucleus of the Test

Aircraft Unit that is formed at each site.

The remaining squadron,

the ,95¢nd Support Squadron, is made up of military specialists and
technicians who sre sent TDY to either Nevada or Jniwetok to augment

these supvort activities during test operations.

The l952nd has a

normal strength of about 250 airmen and 12 officers.

Its strength and

composition has to Le changed after each tests; however, because the
auvnentation required at oniwetok where some items of base support are

the responsibility of the Army (Task Group 7.2) is much different than
that required at Indian Springs Air Force Base where the entire base

support is a 950th responsibility.


Durinz the Summer and Fall of 1957 when the 950th and its subordinate organizetions were participating in Operation PLUMBOB in Nevada,
the Directorate of Personnel and Administration was additionally engaged
in revising the Unit Manning Document of the )952nd Support Squadron
and requisitioning rersonnel necessary to augment and support the Test

Base Unit (l951st Support Squadron) in the Eniwetok Proving Grounds
during Operation HARDTACK,

It was necessary to compute the overall

strength of the Task Group and to predict the personnel support ,requirements that were not at the time firmly established.

Conferences and

meetings were held with individuals who ‘were later to form the Test
Services Unit, Test Aircraft Unit and the Test Base Unit.

Strength and

billeting figures of their respective organizations were discussed.
Emphasis was placed on attempting to get the job done with a minimum
of rersonnel,

Estimates were obtained as to length of time that various

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