Chapter 5 - Operational Phase
Operation HARDTACK involved the detonation of some 35 nuclear devices,

Of these, 11 were detonated at Eniwetok, 22 at Bikini Atoll, and two at
Johnston Island.

On four occasions two detonations occurred the same day

and 17 occurred on successive days.

in connection with the operation.

A total of 257 sorties were flown

The organizational structure and the

resources made available to Task Group 7.4 proved adequate to meet its
mission committments.

Five of the events: the two underwater shots, WAHOO

and UMBRELLA, and the three high altitude shots, YUCCA, TEAK and ORANGE,
gave rise to some new operational problems but in each instance we were
able to resolve these problems and perform the required missions.
The command arrangements in the forward area were varied depending
on location of events and operational requirements.


The first event was

YUCCA, the high altitude balloon shot conducted at Bikini Atoll.


event imposed some unusually stringent command and operational problems.
The Task Group Commander exercised command of the air operation from the

Air Operations Center (AOC) in the USS BOXER.

His deputy was responsible

for the dispatch and recovery of test aircraft from Eniwetok.

He used the

Air Operations Center at FRED Island, Eniwetok Atoll, as his comzand post.
On subsequent Bikini events, the Bikini Air Operations Center was under the
direct on-the spot supervision of either the Task Group Commander or one of

his senior officers, and the Task Group Cqmmander exercised overall contro]
from the FRED AOC.

The Commander of the Test Aircraft Unit was responsible

for the pre and post-mission operation of aircraft on the air base.

He ex-

ercised this control from a radio-equipped vehicle on the ramp itself.


Flying safety Officer or a senior operations officer manned the tower during
missions to assist in expediting landings and takeoffs.


Select target paragraph3