Cperation HARDTACK and eicht (8) of the 4¢51st vehicles were rarked to
remain at Eniwetok for the Operation.
retuced to 126 vehicles.

The ret requirement to ARDC was

Part of these vehicles came from ARDC ex-

cesses at other stations and the remainder came from Mallory AFD, which
was the prime depot for vehicles.

A deadline date of 1 January 1956 was set for delivery of all
special purpose vehicles to the Cakland Port,

All vehicles mide the

deadline date and were shipped to arrive in the EPG by February 195€,
which wes well before the start of the Operation.

Arrangenerts were made with the MAS, North Island, California to
borrow a 15,000 pound fork lift with special attachment for mounting
aircraft engires.

This vehicle was shipped on the aircraft carrier,

USS PCAER from San Diego, California.

A panel truck used by the SAC

Unit for doritregenation of high altitude crews and four (4) decortaiminaticn trucks were also shipped on the USS BOXER.
The special purpose vehicles were kept in com.cn poo: and were
issued to the units to fill their day to day requirerents.

Control Unit controlled the dispatch of these vehicles.


(Figure 1h

shevs the number of venicles on hand by tyne).
Section D - Movement of Passergers snd Freight tc EPG

hen Tasx Croup 7.4 Logistic Conference wes held in Cctcber 1957, the
Task GroupTranspertation Officer distributed instructions to all units
setting forth requirements for forecastipg movements of passengers and
cargo by both air and water.

The first report was received in Yovember

and then contirued up through March and then discontinued since most of
the Units were in place in the EPG by this time,

These reports proved

very helpful in the Transportation Secticn, Task Group 7.4 in forecasting
requirements for air and surface lift.


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