Echelen cn 5 February 1958.

This unit was csteblisted as a feo.) peont te

correlate the overall mairterance effort.

This urit mintaire? current

status of aircraft, aircreft rrovrd suprert eguiprert, scheduled : airter-

ance specialists end controlled flow of werk irte Field Mair.terse:ce Sheps.
In addition, priority requisiticns were validated in those instarces

where the required item wes not in local stccl:s.

The methods ard prc-

cedures erployed insure? the most effective and effictent utilization
of rersonnel and equirment throucheut the entire cntration.
The Elerent Meirtencrce activities perfcrme" the specific furctions

of directly supervising ard rerforming rairterarce te the airevaft ind
other equipment.

Section C + Aircraft Isirterarce

Al]. crearnizaticnal

meinterence ard secre of the field

wes accomplished in the cpen.

The sirgle existince hanger wes uselt as 7:

aircraft repair fcejlity tc the womimau extecrt rracticarle


hovever necessary to provide ter (16) 20X40 nerticle besliircs crc


sotisfy mirirum shor, supriy cnc techricel at iristrative require ots.
The Farrar an¢ dotache? snller buildircs rroviideld rini ur irciva
spe.ce tc acccrmodate base skcepe,
Selt water corrosion presertec a contiruirnc rroblem in the ETC.
A vicoreus ccerrosicn cortre] norecram, inclwiirc frequent frosh - ater




» Was practiced on all cireraft.

ret eliminate salt vweter ccrresicn.

This prerran




Oe ee

There were rery cré verted cir-

craft ralfureticrs directl: attritutable te cerresior, .ltieveh co
Sicrificent effort was expended tc mirimurize ecrresicn effects.
During the entire eperaticr there were fertr-fcur (44) reciproc: ting
ergires ani severteen (17)

jet erztre charpes.

The ruvber cf orcire

chances were well within prerorticn te hours flown.







Select target paragraph3