In addition to the quantity of fuels placed on the Weather Islaris
jt was necessary to preposition a quantity of drummed AvGas at Ponape.

The fucl was used to refuel SA-16 aircraft enroute to Kapingamaranci on
island resupply missions.

Because of extension of the test operaticn

and a number of unanticipated flights, fuel stocks at Ponape were ex~
hausted by June 1958.

Through negotiations with the Weather Bureau >t

Ponape we were able to secure AvGas at a cost of °.47 per gallon.
Althouch this cost was high, it was a cheaper solution than shippirg
a sm]l ouantity of drummed AvGas to Ponape.
The programned modifications to the bulk storage facilities will
aid the fuel management, but during future tests, daily monitoring of
fuel status and expeditious testing by the fuels labecratery will poc~
bably still be required.








Select target paragraph3